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A section of the collapsed balcony in 2015

Five Irish students and one Irish-American friend were killed in the collapse, while seven others suffered a range of serious injuries.

In 2015 the families of those killed reached a confidential settlement with the companies involved in the building's construction.

Aoife Beary was left with a traumatic brain injury, broken arms, hands, pelvis and jaw, as well as lacerations to her liver, kidneys and spleen, a collapsed lung and broken ribs. She later underwent open heart surgery.

In 2016, she testified before the California state legislature during a hearing on legislation to force building contractors to be more transparent about past legal claims against them.

During emotional testimony, she told legislators how she had lost much of her independence after the accident and that her career goals had been ended.

"My life has been changed forever," she said.

She also recalled how she and her friends, who she had known since the age of four, had travelled the world together. She said that her birthday would now "always be their anniversary".



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